Redwings Arrive

October 14, 2024 at 7:15 pm

A week later than last year but at long last the first local Redwings have arrived. Unfortunately the Hawthorne and Rowan berries are very few this year so they may not stay around too long.At roost time I watched two entering a neighbours Holly bush – a safe place away from our local Barn Owls

Late Martins

October 6, 2024 at 7:57 pm

Only once before have I found the nest of a pair of House Martins with young still being fed in the nest in October. Last week on a day of pouring rain I watched two young House Martins plucking up the courage to leave the nest and fly to Africa. It was an appalling day and when I checked the nest on the 2nd October they were gone so I wished them well on their flight south. Will they return to Castleton next year? lets hope so.