Rain rain and more rain
With more than two inches of rain in the last seven days and only four hours of sunshine no filming has been possible.
On Hopwood, on three separate days , Woodcock have been flushed. However The remains of a Woodcock by some fox droppings were also found and predation from foxes must be quite common. Siskins and Goldcrests were seen and there are still big parties of Long Tailed Tits around.
A Sparrowhawk in the garden on the fourteenth proved to be a superb male with blue back and orange breast feathers – one of the best I have ever seen.
With the weather being so wet a lot of time has been spent on producing the DVD of Islay which is now in the final stages – watch this space!!
Is there any place in the UK where it hasn’t been wet recently? It was quite bad down here as well, not much better on Islay as far as I know.
Looking forward to news about the DVD!