April 30, 2023 at 3:46 pm
Those of you who followed me on the Little Owl last year will know that this male Little Owl was due to lose his nest-site due to the barn being converted to a house.It was with disbelief as I drove past it last week to find the male on the roof looking for prey and no sign of any further development of the building. So lets hope that nothing happens in the next two months and that another brood of young fledge successfully.
April 22, 2023 at 7:23 pm
With a return visit to Rivercatcher I was treated to some more prolonged observations on the forest Crossbills.
The bird books will tell you that the breeding male Crossbills are red and the pair nest in January and February. So in late March you might expect to see a pair accompanied by fledged young. This is exactly what I was treated to but the male orange not red! To confuse matters even further I watched a female Crossbill collecting nesting material accompanied by a male that was yellow/green. And yes it was a male as I witnessed them copulating!! So what were they doing nest-building in late March – this should have happened in January!
Clearly there is a lot to clarify so another visit to Rivercatcher will be required! www.facebook.com/gordonyateswildlife
April 16, 2023 at 1:25 pm
Another short visit to Rivercatcher and the delights of the Welsh forests. A recent gale had dislodged Alder cones that now carpeted the forest floor. Over a hundred Siskins were on the ground gobbling up the masses of seeds that had fallen out of the cones. What a photographic bonus. www.facebook.com/gordonyateswildlife
March 26, 2023 at 7:44 pm
A couple of weeks ago we had the return of snow and frost which brought an influx of birds back into the garden.
Our star species in the garden is the Reed Bunting and we had at least seven visiting some days.In addition four Redpolls and five Robins were also coming daily to what is a very small garden. The secret of course is providing a multitude of feeders and having lots of cover nearby to hide in when the Sparrowhawk visit. www.facebook.com/gordonyateswildlife