November 6, 2022 at 3:41 pm
This weeks photo is of Watergrove reservoir which is typical of the dozens of reservoirs that I have filmed at over the last fifty years. In the early years you would never find Great Crested Grebes breeding at the reservoir but all that has changed. They are just as happy now to anchor their nest to a floating Willow as they would be breeding in a Cheshire reed-bed.So always check the Willows on a moorland reservoir and you may find the stunning Great Crested Grebe.
October 30, 2022 at 6:08 pm
This weeks photo of a sunset over our local canal is one of the typical Autumn evenings that we have had recently.Special local birds like Green Woodpecker and Barn Owls have all fledged young this summer and now is the time when they have to go their own way.Lets hope that many of them will make it to next year.
October 23, 2022 at 6:47 pm
On the 11th October I found my first Winter visitors in the form of 3 Jack Snipe feeding in a local bog. Ironically, without the help of an east wind, these birds had arrived only one day later than they did last year! Migration is amazing when you think that these tiny Snipe had left a bog in Lapland to spend winter in a Lancashire bog and their timing was only one day different. The odds are that these are the very same birds that made the journey there and back last year.
October 16, 2022 at 7:10 pm
Autumn is the time of year to arise early and go in search of early morning mists. These will highlight the overnight work of the Orb Spiders.You need a touch of dew to highlight the hundreds of webs in the moorland grasses. So far this Autumn we have had a couple of perfect mornings to go Spider hunting.
October 9, 2022 at 5:05 pm
Every year the Elderberry is the first of our trees to produce mature berries. These seldom last long as there are always Wood Pigeons and their young awaiting the Autumn feast. There are more photos on my Facebook page of the many Wood Pigeons and their juveniles that cleared our tree in only a matter of days.
October 1, 2022 at 11:58 am
In late July, when we were in Speyside, the temperature hit a record 31C on two days.It was only then that we realised that from a wildlife point of view not much happens in extreme heat – even the Ospreys stopped fishing! However,extreme heat is good for one form of wildlife – Dragonflies and Chasers. So I spent an enjoyable couple of hours filming dozens of Four Spotted Chasers that had made a small pond in the forest their home.