Islay Miscellany

July 17, 2022 at 7:33 pm

Although I go to Islay for its Hen Harriers and other exciting birds the wildlife enthusiast will find many other subjects to photograph. For the botanist there are the many Orchids to find. If your interest is butterflies then the Marsh Fritillaries are the main attraction. This weeks Gallery photos includes both the above plus such birds as a Whitethroat singing at dawn, Shelduck brooding ten young and a Barnacle Goose left behind when the others flew back to Greenland.

Dinner Time

July 10, 2022 at 5:02 pm

Islay is now the third best place in Britain to see breeding Hen Harriers after Mull and Orkney. Mid June is the time when the female Harrier is required to help the male with the supply of food. Once the young are three weeks or more old the male, on his own, is not able to catch enough prey to allow the development of the four young shown in the gallery photos. On Islay there are lots of juvenile Pheasants and big flocks of Starlings which the female Hen Harrier is well able to catch. As there are no Pheasant shoots on Islay everyone is happy!

An Islay Chat

July 3, 2022 at 4:52 pm

One family of birds that you are bound to see on Islay in summer are the Chats. The commonest one is the Stonechat and these are present all year round and love to perch in the roadside vegetation. The Whinchat is a summer visitor and is found on the moorland edge. What they both have in common is that they love to catch butterflies and moths for their young. So enjoy this weeks blog photo of a male Whinchat returning to the nest with a Tiger moth.

Fighting Black Guillemots

June 26, 2022 at 10:15 am

I always find that one of the most delightful birds to photograph on Islay are the Black Guillemots. A couple of early mornings at a breeding site had birds courting, fighting and finally copulating. They are one of Islay latest breeding species with egg laying only commencing in mid June.

Refurbishment Time

June 19, 2022 at 5:34 pm

It was good last week to be back on Islay filming Britain’s most threatened raptor ,the Hen Harrier. In June the only time you would see the female Harrier is at a food pass or when she replaces material in the nest. This week’s photos were taken at just such time. It has been suggested that she replaces the nesting material that has become soiled from the droppings of the young.The male Harrier is away looking for prey and generally takes no part in the refurbishment.

Oh Deer

June 12, 2022 at 8:12 pm

Todays blog photo is of a Roe Deer eating the fresh leaves of a sapling Oak.It was taken on my local Golf Course and is good news for the management of the Golf Course with any emergent vegetation being eaten by the Deer. Unfortunately for the deer this source of food in Scotland is causing severe problems. In the Cairngorms Deer have been blamed for the lack of regeneration of the Caledonian pines – effectively no young saplings survive the appetite of the Deer. Sadly for the deer a culling programme is underway to address the problem. The message for the deer is simple – stay on the Golf Course!!