December 27, 2021 at 7:06 pm
The Mistle Thrush is Britains largest song-bird and is also known as the Stormcock. This name emanates from the Thrushes habit of singing at the height of a storm.
Unfortunately,. from a photographers point of view it has a very annoying habit – it stakes its claim to a berry-laden tree and chases off all other birds. This is all very well if you only want to photograph Mistle Thrushes but when Waxwings, Redwings and Fieldfares turn up they are all chased away. I have lost track of how many times I have cursed Mistle Thrushes over the last fifty years!!
December 19, 2021 at 7:49 pm
When we have a High Pressure in Winter it is the best time to go out and film temperature inversions. These occur when the temperature in the valleys is colder than that on the hill-tops. Mist and cloud is formed in the valley bottoms with glorious sunshine above. It is a fabulous natural occurrence and this week was the best I have ever seen. The blog photo shows the valleys of river Calder and Ribble in dense fog but high above the top of Pendle Hill is bathed in sunshine
I only saw my first Fieldfares of winter this week and never before have I seen more Jack Snipe than Fieldfare by this time of the year. Ten Jack Snipe in a remote bog on the 20th October was an exceptional
December 14, 2021 at 7:22 pm
Still with mobility problems so I have spent most of the last two weeks watching the feeding birds in the garden. On most days we have had twenty or more different species taking food which for the size of the garden is amazing.By far the largest bird has been the male Pheasant who first appeared last year – but is it the same male as last year? Nuthatches come regularly and the immaculate male Sparrowhawk finally perched facing us thus giving a great view of his orange
December 5, 2021 at 10:38 am
Monday’s snow and ice was perfect for catching up with feeding Redwings. So far this winter there have been very few about but I managed to locate half a dozen feeding on Haws on one of Rochdales busiest roads. In-between passing buses, lorries, cars and people they fed and provided me with the photos I was hoping for. I then went stalking Roe Deer and fell into a snow-covered pot hole damaging my left knee – but don’t worry the camera was OK!! See Gallery
November 28, 2021 at 4:06 pm
When I started filming birds fifty one years ago the commonest moorland bird was the Twite or Mountain Linnet as it was locally called. You could walk the moors in July and come across half a dozen nests without really trying.The whole Pennine population must have been well over a thousand pairs.
Last week the RSPB announced that this year there may have been only a dozen breeding pairs in the whole of the Pennines. Its a sorry tale of overgrazing by sheep and cattle plus the loss of Hay meadows – the Twite feeds almost exclusively on seed. This weeks blog and gallery photos were taken a few days ago after constant baiting with Niger seed. Some of the birds in the flock of thirty would have come down from Scotland where they are still holding their
November 21, 2021 at 7:16 pm
The practice of Lapwings roosting on the roof of Industrial Units has been going on locally for more than thirty years. In fact it started in Manchester and has now spread throughout the whole of Britain. My local flock peaked at 350 last week and may well increase further as Winter progresses.
From the camera point of view the Lapwings frequently get spooked and fly around before landing again on the same roof or sometimes a different one. If the sun and wind are favourable you can obtain some great photos from underneath as the birds land again.See the Gallery for last week’s