Anglesey Day Out

May 9, 2021 at 6:22 pm

In the years 1955 to 1959, during the Bury July Wakes week, I would find myself on holiday on Anglesey. These were halcyon days when the sun always shined and I don’t remember any rain! It was good, therefore, during our stay at Rivercatcher last week that we should have a day out on Anglesey. Visits were made to Cemlyn Bay and South Stack and the weather was as it always had been – sunny and warm!
This weeks gallery photos show Sandwich Terns at Cemlyn and the Chough at South Stack.It was fabulous to film the Chough digging out food on the sea-cliffs that were covered in the blue flowers of Spring Squill.  gallery photos

Deeside Spring

May 2, 2021 at 4:48 pm

We have just returned from a week at Rivercatcher on the river Dee in Wales following one of the driest Aprils ever recorded. Water levels were extremely low so I concentrated on filming the local birds coming to drink. One unusual sighting was of a male Grey Wagtail high in a Sycamore tree eating aphids in the Spring blossom! for gallery photos see

Garden Bonanza

April 25, 2021 at 6:08 pm

The sunny weather and frosty mornings of the last few weeks has resulted in a big influx of feeding birds in the garden.Three species have broken records that have stood over the last fifty three years.Those have been at least seven Reed Buntings, a minimum of twelve Redpolls feeding together and on one day five Siskins paid us a visit. Soon all these birds will move away to breed elsewhere in the Pennines but what a finish to the winter season. Gallery photos  see link

Bullfinches,Hawthorne Buds and Snow

April 19, 2021 at 6:12 pm

Last Sunday we awoke to find the deepest snowfall that we have had all winter. Our Bullfinches that until then had been eating sunflower hearts decided that the opening buds of our Hawthorne bush were a much better food source.I opened our bedroom window and took a few photos, in poor light, as the snow melted away.It was hard to believe that it was the middle of April! Gallery photos  see link

View To A kill

April 11, 2021 at 11:50 am









This week, on the coldest April morning for more than fifty years, I spent a magical two hours filming three hunting Barn Owls. Conditions were absolutely perfect and these were female Barn Owls stocking up with food prior to going down on eggs later this month. I was on my own on a hillside in the Forest of Bowland and wildlife photography does not come any better than this.          For gallery photos

Third Time Lucky

April 3, 2021 at 7:00 pm










After fifty years of photographing Pennine birds there are only a handful of species that I have not got photographs of. Top of the list was the Black Necked Grebe but all that changed on a perfect morning last week. The last few years I have failed due to bad weather then Covid but all that was forgotten on Tuesday when I spent three hours with these spectacular Grebes. Enjoy the Gallery photos as they are everything I have ever dreamed of! for gallery photos