July 19, 2020 at 12:06 pm
Whenever you are photographing breeding birds of prey the ultimate photo that you are after is the food-pass. It is the split second when the prey is being passed from the adult to its young. You have to be quick and yet, surprisingly, it is seldom the best photo of the series. What happens is that at the split second of the pass a membrane closes over their eyes as a protection in case of mis-timing. These membranes are clearly visible in this weeks blog photo and if you check the gallery photos there is a far more impressive photo taken a split second after the pass.Click here
June 21, 2020 at 12:28 pm
Over the last month I have spent many hours under a camouflage cloth hoping a hunting male Long Eared Owl would land on a post that I had placed on the forest edge. Some nights I never saw him at all but on other nights, just to rub it in, he would hunt all around my car that was parked on the road 400 yards away!
He did land on other fence posts and this weeks gallery includes photos of him taken whenever he came within range. I am ever hopeful that he will land on my post so watch this space for the ultimate photo!! click here
June 14, 2020 at 11:15 am
After last weeks Wader disaster it is good to highlight one species that is going from strength to strength. The Nuthatches of this weeks blog were filmed in my local woodland and now their young are calling from all over the wood. Another pair are taking food from our garden and feeding young in a neighbours nearby. Apart from global warming no one is quite sure why Nuthatches are spreading north so fast with one possible sighting on Islay last week. Long may it continue! click here