December 13, 2009 at 3:04 pm
Not much to report this week following on from the wettest ever November with more than ten inches of rain recorded on Hopwood Golf Course rain gauge.
The first Jack Snipe of the Winter was flushed on the thirtieth of November and prior to this two Woodcock were seen on the twenty eighth of November. It was good to see these but where are the thrushes?
Fourteen Long Tailed Its were seen on the first of December in Hopwood woods and five later in Tesco car park!
The Hollingworth Lake Great Northern Diver is still present and putting on a good show – if you time your visit right! Unfortunately I have been thwarted by anglers on one occasion and a rowing regatta on another.
On Hopwood on the tenth two more Woodcock were flushed from different places and four Redpolls were feeding in some birches. A Buzzard was seen plus a Hare and a Fox.
In the garden the Collared Doves have now increased to nineteen and the first Reed Bunting has fed.
November 29, 2009 at 7:45 am
After many months of editing my DVD ‘Polar Bears and other Wildlife of Spitsbergen’ it is now available for sale.
Spitsbergen is the most accessible part of the high Arctic and in Summer is home to more that two thousand Polar Bears, over a million sea birds and some of the Arctic’s most stunning flowers. All flourish in the short Arctic Summer
We were blessed with some incredible weather making the encounters with Walruses and Polar Bears truly amazing, especially against the backdrop of the midnight sun.
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Details of how to order Polar Bears and other Wildlife of Spitsbergen – DVD are available on our Order page.
November 23, 2009 at 5:19 am
Last weekend was spent at Banchory in Aberdeenshire attending Mike Madders memorial service on the Monday. A beautiful part of the country but not much seen in the way of wildlife.
In the garden the Collared Doves have increased to a maximum of seventeen with a Great Spotted Woodpecker a regular daily visitor.
Full launch of the new DVD Polar Bears and other Wildlife of Spitsbergen will be made next weekend but if anyone wants to post me a cheque for £16 to 3 Saxonholme Road, Castleton, Rochdale. OL11 2YA I will forward the DVD by return of post. It will be possible to pay through my website next weekend.
November 15, 2009 at 7:47 am
Not quite as spectacular as this photo of a Great Northern Diver in Summer plumage but it was good to see one at Hollingworth Lake this week. It has been there now over a week which is a long time for a vagrant passage bird.
In Hopwood this week a large party of Tits comprised of a least twenty one Long Tailed Tits – the most I have seen together locally for many years. A Woodcock was also flushed on the fourteenth and a Green Woodpecker seen on the eleventh. One flock of thirty two Fieldfares is still the biggest I have seen this Winter and all the berries are still waiting to be eaten.
In the garden there is now a young female Sparrow Hawk coming as well as the old male bird. She spent some time one day trying to entice the House Sparrows out of the thick privet hedge but with no success.
November 9, 2009 at 1:18 pm
Last weeks note about the Sparrowhawk was somewhat premature as he returned twice during the week and on one occasion he caught a Goldfinch on the rockery at the back of our garden! Despite all this the Collared Dove total has now increased to fifteen and there seems to be no end to where they are coming from.
On Hopwood a Buzzard was seen on the seventh. Flower wise there are still Foxglove and Red Campion in flower – global warming I suppose.
It has rained nearly every day this week with more than two inches having fallen. There are still very few Winter thrushes about and it looks like Bramblings are going to be the star birds this Winter.
November 2, 2009 at 1:11 am
There can be no finer Beech woods in East Lancashire than Tandle Hill Country Park at Royton. This year there has been a good crop of fruit and as a result the wood now has fifty plus Wood Pigeons feeding amongst the leaves. On the thirtieth October a visit produced several Bramblings, a Woodcock and my first Fieldfares of the Winter – the latest date I have ever recorded for their arrivals.
On Hopwood a Green Woodpecker was seen on the twenty ninth and three Cormorants have been roosting on pylons by the canal.
In the garden the Collared Doves have now increased to a maximum of twelve. The male Sparrowhawk has been three times during the week but not caught anything – as far as we know!