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100 Hours Of Sunshine

June 12, 2009 at 9:31 am

Hen Harrier

One hundred hours of sunshine. Yes, that is how much sunshine we have had in the last week, although there has recently been a coolish North East wind.

If last week was Short Eared Owl week then this week has been Hen Harrier week. It is twenty years since I last filmed Hen Harriers at the nest but I had not forgotten how exciting the female is when she is with her young and looking straight at the camera. A full week has been spent on them and some very good film obtained with five feeds of the young in three hours one day.

In addition to Harriers I have also filmed Terns and a pair of Buzzards.

Painted Lady butterflies are everywhere but very few Marsh Fritillaries.

No Otters have been seen on this visit to Islay but with five hours of video taken on Short Eared Owl and Harriers I am not particularly worried.

Trials Of Photography

June 3, 2009 at 10:01 am

Short Eared Owl

Today’s photo of a female Short Eared Owl and her young is the ultimate climax to a week on Islay when we have had to endure every type of Hebridean weather. Early in the week there were strong winds and rain which, when it settles on the camera lens in the hide makes filming impossible. as the weather improved I had two sessions when condensation formed inside the lens which again makes it impossible to continue. If that was not bad enough when the good weather arrived with high pressure the next problem was one I have never had before – midges!!! Two sessions were written off as I could not see through thousands of midges. So many in fact they somehow got into the lens system of the camera making it impossible to remove them. To make matters worse I stood on my glasses as I got out of the hide and had to manage the last few days with them stuck together with tape. However with perseverance I obtained some remarkable film of the female and her young being fed by the male.

It is always good on Islay to see all the male Hen Harriers flying around looking for prey for their partners who are now on well incubated eggs.

As for flowers it is a late season but the recent hot weather will help them catch up. There was however, a good show of one of Islay’s rarest flowers the Narrow Leafed Helleborine.

Britain’s Rarest Slipper

May 27, 2009 at 8:32 am

Lady's Slipper Orchid

As a variation from birds we took the opportunity to photograph one of only two Lady’s Slipper Orchids in Britain. The flower heads were just beginning to open and it was a rare treat to see this gem in the Cumbrian countryside.

Worst May Weather Ever

May 21, 2009 at 8:56 pm

Ring Ouzel

All week it has rained with a strong wind blowing over the hills and once again it was impossible to consider filming the Golden Plover – today the young fledged. We shall now have to wait until next year!

The highlight of the week was obtaining film of the Ring Ouzels. The female is on eggs but every hour or so the male calls her off the nest to feed her. He then visits the nest, inspects the contents and leaves when she arrives back to continue incubation. Its a long wait for a few seconds of film but it’s the only one I have.

I spent several hours on the only dry night filming Tawny Owls bringing food to their two young in a hole in a Rowan tree. They were nervous at first but the female was quite bold by the time I packed up. It’s a pity I only managed one night at it because of the weather

The good news of the week is that the Long Eared Owls that deserted their eggs because of the campers at Easter have relaid in the same nest. With another Bank Holiday coming up and good weather forecast surely there will not be a repeat performance?

Lesser Spotted Perform

May 17, 2009 at 9:12 pm

Lesser Spotted Woodpecker

I only took one still shot through the video camera and here it is the male Lesser Spotted Woodpecker about to enter the nest hole to feed newly hatched young. I had a magical three and a half hours filming on a sunny afternoon and the big bonus was that on two occasions the male alighted at the bottom of the tree and searched for food all the way up to the nest hole at thirty five feet!

It has been very windy all week and the Golden Plover and Curlew on the high moorland will probably have hatched their eggs before I get the chance to film them.

A visit to Bowland produced a pair of Merlin on site but as yet not incubating. In the woods nearby three pairs of Pied Flycatchers were located on eggs and Redstarts were singing everywhere. It was good to locate a pair of Ring Ouzels which are now in short supply.

In the sunshine early in the week Orange Tip butterflies were active along with Speckled Wood but the heavy downpours of the last few days have put an end to their flights.

Unfortunately another poor weeks weather has been forecast so this May is following those of the last two years.

Blown Away

May 10, 2009 at 9:38 pm


One of the bonuses of being out there in the wild is that even when the birds don’t perform the weather can. This photo of a Pennine sunset was the only highlight of a night waiting to film hunting male Long Eared Owls. The birds failed to perform but after an evening shower the pink in the sky was magical.

It has been a wild week with only one day good enough to venture above one thousand feet. So the search for Merlin, Ring Ouzels and Golden Plover has been put on hold.

The big bonus of the week was filming Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers that were incubating eggs in a tiny hole thirty five feet off the ground. The bad news was that is was over in Yorkshire and they only changed over on the eggs every hour and if you blinked you missed it!

The farming weather forecast for the week is not too good so the calm weather that is needed to go up onto the high moors is going to be hard to find.

On the migration front it was good to see Swifts today and the first Whitethroats singing.