April 28, 2008 at 1:10 pm

With the wind turning to SW it was time to check the top of Pendle Hill for Dotterel. Unfortunately someone beat me to it and announced on Birdline that there were two present. When we arrived on top of the hill at 8.30am three bird watchers were already there and had already flushed them. Normally they move on but eventually I found them again and took some video from a distance. I would have got some more but a photographer arrived with an enormous white Canon lens, no tripod and no idea how to photograph birds without disturbing them. He insisted on going closer, stood up, fired a machine gun volley of shots and off they went!
The rest of the week has been equally as frustrating with no Kingfishers present on my regular site and the eggs of a Golden Plover being predated by Crows. The continuing search for Woodcock produced the usual NIL Result.
On the plus side I managed to get some better video of a roosting Long Eared Owl which was one of my top priorities this Spring.
On walking around the edge of a moorland reservoir with a friend we spotted a Canada Goose on its nest in some billberries. My friend commented that if it was the last bird left in the world he would not photograph a Canada Goose. As we left the area we walked past the brooding Canada Goose and to our amazement there were five gosling all sat around her. So what did we do? We spent more than an hour filming the family party waiting for her to take them down to the water – which of course she never did!!
April 20, 2008 at 1:46 pm

A cold week with strong easterly winds making this years nesting season one of the latest ever.
Two full days in Bowland looking for Woodcock nests once again produced none, not even a flushed bird. However, all that time searching the ground cover has produced two pairs of ground nesting Tawny Owls. This is a rare find and in the last forty years I have only ever seen two other ground nests of Tawny Owls.
In the garden Blue Tits have started taking moss into one of the nest boxes and we had a record number of six Chaffinches on the lawn.
A visit to the high moors one night was unproductive with no Golden Plover but some snow! I found a roosting Long Eared Owl in a pine and now have film of six species of Owl for the next DVD on the Pennines due out next year.
As I drove off the moors one morning a male Merlin flew over the bonnet of the car and rested on a fence post. It’s a good job there was no traffic behind me at the time!!
April 13, 2008 at 7:51 pm

Still snow on the hills even as late as the 12th April. This is having a marked effect on the breeding season with one pair of Long Tailed Tits only now lining their nest with feathers, having commenced building twenty two days ago! It has been stop – start ever since.
Several days have been spent searching for Woodcock nests but none have been found – it is now four years since I found one! In consolation three Dippers nests have been found and I saw my first three Swallows on the tenth – the same day I saw a Brambling.
An hour was spent under the camouflage cloth trying to film an albino Carrion Crow. I didn’t actually fail as it fed in the field I expected it in, only it would not come closer than fifty feet.
The highlight of a cold, wet week has been four male Reed Buntings feeding in our garden – a record number for us. I suspect they are coming in off the nearby Golf Course where there have been up to twenty nine feeding on an area of burnt grass.
March 31, 2008 at 5:38 pm

The snow of last weekend remained in places for four days and with the north wind has held back the Summer migrants – only one day of March left and I haven’t seen any yet!
In deep snow drifts I walked the moors east of Burnley. Red Grouse were very active and a Woodcock was flushed from a pine plantation. A search for Long Eared Owls only produced two Tawny Owls and as we know if there are Tawny Owls in a wood then there will not be any Long Eared Owls as Tawny Owls dominate.
More Long Tailed Tits nests have been found but filming has been almost impossible due to a strong wind blowing on most days, the gorse bushes that they were in would not keep still!
One morning I spent an hour under the camouflage cloth along the river Irwell hoping to film a Heron feeding at the weir. The Heron failed to appear and I had to put up with a procession of dog walkers and their dogs – although none saw me.
A local farm at Heywood had a Little Owl calling and establishing its territory for the breeding season ahead. At Ogden Goldcrests were also becoming vocal.
March 24, 2008 at 7:00 am

A mixed week with one day of continuous rain and three inches of snow on the 23rd March, being the heaviest snowfall of the Winter or now technically Spring!!
A pair of Kingfishers seen locally had a male displaying to the female but unfortunately there are no banks to tunnel into within a mile so where are they going to go? Buzzards have been seen carrying sticks into a wood and upon inspection I found my first local Buzzard nest half completed.
The good news from Hopwood is that two Green Woodpeckers were seen together on the 19th and there is now every likelihood that breeding will occur. Four Long Tailed Tits nests have now been found but all construction work has stopped in the snow.
At Dovestones reservoir Siskins are still present in the pines with six Redpolls joining them. At Pilsworth, slurry being sprayed on a field attracted a mixed flock of more than six hundred corvids.
In many places this week Kestrels have been seen together in pairs and actively looking for places to nest for the coming season. Keep the female under observation and she will lead you to the chosen nest site.