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Little Owl Disaster

May 9, 2022 at 9:23 am

In the last ten years I have spent some wonderful moments filming a pair of Little Owls in a ruined building in the high Pennines. This weeks photos were taken last week as the male Little Owl was hunting for prey for his female who was already incubating eggs. All seemed well until someone appeared to tell me that she had purchased the building and as soon as plans were approved the whole building would be gutted! She had no interest in the Owls so it appears that it is only a matter of time before their ancestral site is gone forever. What can I do to stop it happening? – absolutely nothing!! www.facebook.com/gordonyateswildlife

Yorkshire’s Best

May 1, 2022 at 5:04 pm

Within an hours drive from my hometown of Rochdale breeds one of Britains rarest and most spectacular birds -The Black Necked Grebe.Its in Yorkshire so armed with my passport(Or should I say my RSPB membership card!) I like to make a visit at least once a year.I have already been this year, a couple of weeks ago, with the Grebes then not coming close enough for a decent photo. However, last week conditions were perfect and although it took two hours a pair eventually provided me with some acceptable shots. www.facebook.com/gordonyateswildlife

The Tyred Dipper

April 24, 2022 at 3:29 pm


Whenever you film local Dippers you risk your photos being ruined by human activities such as fly-tipping. This was the case last week when the Dippers that I was filming insisted on perching on dumped tyres that had been discarded in the stream. Despite this they make superb subjects and would thankfully, occasionally perch on a more photogenic stone- see Gallery. www.facebook.com/gordonyateswildlife

Teasel Delight

April 17, 2022 at 6:42 pm

Of all the plants in the garden the Teasel is one of the best to grow from a bird-lovers point of view. Its seeds are loved by Goldfinches and if you are lucky Redpolls may also pay you a visit. This weeks Gallery photos were all taken in our small garden last week. www.facebook.com/gordonyateswildlife

It’s Feather Time

April 10, 2022 at 6:54 pm

My favourite filming in Spring is filming Long Tailed Tits as they return to their nests with feathers. It normally happens in March but this year we are several weeks later. I normally have many pairs to choose from but this year I have found only one nest ready for lining. White feathers are their favourites as you will see in the Gallery photos. www.facebook.com/gordonyateswildlife

Siskins Galore

April 3, 2022 at 6:30 pm

One of the commonest birds that we encountered in Wales the other week was the Siskin. Wherever there were woodlands flocks of Siskins could be heard and seen amongst the tree tops, especially the Alders. In one or two localities we also found Bramblings that were getting ready to return to Lapland – as soon as the wind changed from an easterly! www.facebook.com/gordonyateswildlife