April 29, 2018 at 3:32 pm

Its hard to believe that a pair of Herons in my local Heronry have just fledged three y oung despite the Spring that we have just had. Laying their eggs in January, in a nest fifty feet off the ground, has left them open to all the elements especially the regular snow showers that this year has brought. Somehow they have overcome this with the female covered in snow on several occasions as she incubated. This weeks photo is from the same Heronry in 2005. It was the first digital photo that I ever took and I have never bettered it!! Others are in the gallery.Click here
April 23, 2018 at 8:48 pm

What a difference a few warm, sunny days have made to the vegetation and the numbers of migrants arriving. In Bowland, where this weeks blog photo was taken, there were Redstarts and Pied Flycatchers singing in the woodlands along the River Hodder with quite a few Common Sandpipers on the river. Swallows were back in the farm-yards with Wheatears in the fields. Click here
The best of the week was reserved for the Pennine hills with Merlin back in their breeding valley and a Short-Eared Owl wing-clapping over the open moor.
On the 20th I was treated to a twenty minute encounter with a Cuckoo and watched it as it continually dropped to the ground and flew up with a caterpillar in its bill. It was my first local sighting of a Cuckoo in more than ten years.