Our last week on Islay brought days of glorious sunshine if still a little cold. It did mean that we were able to do some of the annual walks that until now had been held in abeyance.
Golden Eagles were seen regularly including one on a sheep carcass. The sight of hunting male Hen Harriers continued and must be one of Islay’s summer spectacles. In one remote glen a Sparrowhawks nest was found in the ivy growing on a Hazel tree. The four eggs could be seen from above and I have included this photo in this weeks gallery of Islay photos. Also included is a Roe Deer that swam across an estuary and seemed perfectly happy with its saltwater excursion. It has certainly been one of the coldest springs ever seen on Islay and may well result in migrants such as Corncrake, Whitethroat and Swallow only having one brood this year. On the raptor front some Golden Eagles have already failed and many of the Hen Harrier clutches contain infertile eggs which is normal in a cold spring. Click here
In the garden the male Sparrowhawk has been capturing juvenile Starlings to feed his growing young in a nest nearby. It was good to see that there are still Reed Buntings coming to feed as well as up to half a dozen Redpolls.