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Wader Success

July 11, 2014 at 8:26 pm

Little Ringed Plover

The pattern of this Spring and Summer’s rainfall has ensured that the Pennine moorlands have never dried out. This has benefitted the moorland waders, especially after their eggs have hatched,ensuring that their young are able to find food at that crucial time of their development. On some moors Lapwings have returned to breed after an absence of many years and one pair of Golden Plover were still incubating eggs at the end of June which is the latest I have ever known. Although the reservoirs have remained largely full, with the co – operation of the local water authority some water has been taken out enabling Little Ringed Plovers to breed successfully. Click here.

Whilst I was in the moorland valleys last week I heard a bird that I have not encountered for a long time and seldom filmed it was a male Grey Partridge and whilst it remained a long way off I did manage to take some photos of a bird that is now very much in decline..

Long Eared Owl Success

July 6, 2014 at 7:31 pm

Long Eared Owl 14

Having mentioned in last week’s blog about the successful breeding of some raptors this year, due to the abundance of voles, I was not surprised to find three more recently fledged Long Eared Owls this week, one with a missing ear tuft! The gallery shows them in the pines plus some of the other birds I have come across in the Pennines this season. Click here

At the moment the three Kingfisher sites that I monitor each year all have newly hatched young so the next three weeks need to be reasonably dry to ensure their successful fledging. All three pairs have already fledged first broods of young so they have had a much better start than in the last couple of years which have been abysmal.

July is the month to encounter Stoats and last week alone I have seen three different individuals darting across country roads. For those of you who like Whimberries this years crop looks like being one of the best.

In the garden on the 5th we had a record four Carrion Crows together.

Fancy A Fish?

June 29, 2014 at 6:45 pm

pair Kingfishers


After more than forty years and hundreds of hours in my hide I have finally filmed the male Kingfisher offering the female a fish. It lasts only a couple of seconds and her acceptance of the fish binds  the pair together ready for breeding. Copulation usually follows and it did but I am saving those photos for the blog in a couple of weeks time – it will be well worth the wait! Click here

A week of brilliant weather has had me out every day and it looks like an exceptional breeding season helped by an explosion in vole numbers. Barn Owls, Long Eared Owls and Little Owls are all benefiting,  as have two pairs of Kestrels that I have also found.

Around one moorland reservoir two Grasshopper Warblers were reeling away as thirty Small Skipper butterflies were on the thistles. Redpolls seem to be everywhere. On the down side a Little Owl was a road casualty nearby.

At home four young House Sparrows are about to fledge which all helps the national plight of the House Sparrow. So much for the total insulation of our attic !


June 22, 2014 at 6:17 pm

Hen Harrier14
Islay is in the top three places in Britain to see breeding Hen Harriers. The display flight of the male is called skydancing and consists of undulating flights, rising and falling and is difficult to film as it usually performed some distance away. The female on the other hand is much more active around the nest and during our three weeks on Islay I acquired some action shots of what is most probably Britain’s most threatened raptor. click here.

In the last week I have spent many hours in the hills looking for nesting birds. Kestrels, Kingfishers and many wading birds all seem to be doing well in the present settled weather so let’s hope it continues. The woodlands are now full of fledged tits, especially Long Tailed Tits and Redpolls which are having a brilliant breeding season.

In the garden a pair of Bullfinches have brought all four of their young to feed. Reed Buntings are now only occasional visitors.

Islay’s Seabirds

June 15, 2014 at 9:19 pm

Black Guillemot
Not many people visit Islay in Summer to watch seabirds. However, the Islay coastline is home to many different species of seabirds and during the last three weeks I have been filming many of them. Click here.

During our last week on Islay there was a huge emergence of Marsh Fritillary butterflies with up to 94 seen on the RSPB reserve on one day. On one small walk on the North West coast we encountered 13 but over the whole area there must have been hundreds. Mid Summer on Islay is a magnificent time to visit and with only five hours of rain one afternoon the weather for our visit couldn’t have been better.

Back home in the garden there are now many juvenile birds from Blue Tits and Great Tits to Starlings, Goldfinches, Redpolls and even a young Great Spotted Woodpecker. Four Woodpigeons together was a garden record.

Corncrake Spectacular

June 8, 2014 at 8:20 pm

Last week’s superb weather has had Corncrakes calling from all over the west side of Islay. In one evening alone I encountered eight different birds and whilst I did not see everyone of them some gave me great views. Best of all one climbed up a drystone wall and then stopped on top to preen – just unbelievable! Click here.

Early one morning when I was filming Black Guillemots I heard alarm calls from gulls and looking up an Osprey flew over my head and out to sea towards the rising sun.

Following on from the masses of Bluebells the island is now yellow with the best cover of Yellow Flag we have ever seen.